Developmental Disabilities
Direct Number: 915-599-6680
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Location: 1477 Lomaland Suite E-7
Hours of Operation: 8 am – 4 pm
Hours of Operation Administrative: 8 am – 5 pm
The EHN Day Habilitation location is a comprehensive Learning Center which allows EHN to provide services to its IDD consumers at one centralized location. We provided both recreational and pre-vocational activities to help consumers learn how to be more active in the community. The curriculum also includes life skills lessons to encourage independence and allows consumers to move between classrooms where they are engaged in such courses as math, science, writing, dance and art classes throughout the day. Emergence Health Network, together with local providers of community-based services and supports established a Continuum of Care “road map” highlighting IDD resources available in the greater El Paso area. The effort resulted in a thorough picture of the challenges and opportunities that providers, consumers and their support network face when navigating the complex system of service for individuals with IDD. The outcome is a living document which local providers can update as changes in service provisions occurs.
To view the IDD Continuum of Care Chart click HERE
To view the Texas Behavioral Health Strategic Plan and IDD Strategic Plan click HERE
Direct Number: 915-599-6645
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Hours of Operation: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
After-hour services may be made available upon request. Please inquire with a scheduling representative for further details.
Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) for individuals with IDD is an additional service that EHN offers. EHN also refers to our ICF’s as our EHN Casas because we provide residency for our qualified IDD consumers.
What is a Residential Intermediate Care Facility?
- It is a 24-hour residential setting for individuals with an intellectual disability or a related condition.
- Here individuals can live independently with 24/7 support and monitoring form qualified and professional staff.
- An individualized plan of care is developed based on the needs and choices of the person and the person’s family.
- The unique needs of the person are the focus of the plan of care.
- Professional staff and other service providers work with the person and the person’s family to develop a plan based on the person’s skills and strengths to increase independence.
- Plan includes comprehensive medical and therapy services and skill development programs.
EHN currently operates the following ICF/Casa in the El Paso area.
Casa Norton
Direct Number: 915-779-1800
Location: 1601 E. Yandell Street and response to areas around the city
Hours of Operation: 24-hour
As the Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authority (LIDDA) in the El Paso region, Emergence Health Network (EHN) provides a wide range of services for individuals with intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and co-occurring mental health concerns, to include 24-hour Crisis Services.
These services assist IDD individuals with significant behavioral and psychiatric challenges, who often exhibit needs requiring additional support beyond the array of services typically provided within community programs.
Services include:
- 24-hour availability
- Immediate personal assessment and support
- Trauma-informed intervention and de-escalation
- Triage to determine best course of action for the person and their system support
- Evaluation and identification of service gaps to strengthen care system
- Linkage to community services
EHN also provides training for local law enforcement, community providers, families and community partners on effective strategies for responding to and supporting individuals with IDD and co-occurring mental health conditions.
Direct Number: 915-599-6645
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Senate Bill 7 from the 2013 Texas Legislature requires the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to put in place a cost-effective option for attendant and habilitation services for people with disabilities who have STAR+PLUS Medicaid coverage.
A federal option, called Community First Choice, allows states to provide home and community-based attendant services and supports to Medicaid recipients with disabilities. This option provides states with a 6 percent increase in federal matching funds for Medicaid for these services.
To be eligible for Community First Choice services an individual must:
- Be eligible for Medicaid.
- Need help with activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, and eating.
- Need an institutional level of care.
Community First Choice Services include:
- Help with activities of daily living and health-related tasks through hands-on assistance, supervision, or cueing.
- Services to help the individual learn how to care for themselves.
- Backup systems or ways to ensure continuity of services and supports.
- Training on how to select, manage and dismiss attendants.
Texas began the Community First Choice program on June 1, 2015. This means:
- Individuals on a 1915(c)waiver interest list who meet eligibility and coverage requirements may be eligible to get Community First Choice services.
- Individuals already getting services through a 1915(c) waiver will continue to get those services as they do today from their existing providers.
Direct Number: 915-599-6645
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
After-hour services may be made available upon request. Please inquire with a scheduling representative for further details.
Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are types of person-centered care delivered in the home and community. A variety of health and human services can be provided. HCBS programs address the needs of people with functional limitations who need assistance with everyday activities, like getting dressed or bathing. HCBS are often designed to enable people to stay in their homes, rather than moving to a facility for care.
The Home and Community Based Services program includes individualized services and supports to persons with intellectual disabilities who are living with their family, in their own home or in other community settings, such as small group homes.
Direct Number: 915-599-6645
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
After-hour services may be made available upon request. Please inquire with a scheduling representative for further details.
TxHmL provides selected essential services and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in their family homes or their own homes. TxHmL is a Medicaid waiver program that supplies essential services and supports to Texans with an intellectual disability (ID) or a related condition so that they can continue to live in the community. TxHmL services are intended to supplement rather than replace services received from other programs, such as Texas Health Steps, or from natural supports, including families, neighbors, or community organizations.
TxHmL may be available to any Texas resident living in his or her own home or family’s home who:
● Has an IQ of 69 or below or has an approved related condition with an IQ of 75 or below.
● Has mild to severe deficits in adaptive behavior.
● Is eligible for Medicaid benefits.
● Is not enrolled in any other Medicaid waiver program.
What services can TxHmL provide?
• Day habilitation • Respite services • Employment services • Nursing services • Dental services • Behavioral support • Community support (transportation) • Occupational therapy • Physical therapy • Speech therapy • Audiology services • Dietary services • Minor home modifications • Adaptive aid
The TxHmL provider can also provide personal assistance services, habilitation, or emergency response services through the Community First Choice (CFC) program. Individuals can also receive unlimited prescriptions through Medicaid.
Direct Number: 915-599-6645
Information/Appointments: 915-242-0555
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Money Follows the Person (MFP)- Transition Support Team (TST)
The Transition Support Team provides support activities to Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authorities (LIDDAs) and Home and Community Based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers that serve individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) at risk of being admitted to an institution, and those who have transitioned from institutional settings, including State Supported Living Centers (SSLCs) and Nursing Facilities (NFs). The program is designed to assist LIDDAs and providers in enhancing services and supports to assist individuals and prevent institutionalization.
Emergence Health Network is the HUB for the LIDDA Service Area 1. There are 8 Hubs in Texas. Please click HERE to access the other Hubs and their designated service area.
EHN will provide TST support in the designated service area that consists of the following LIDDAs:
- MHMR Services for the Concho Valley
- Permian Basin Community Centers
- West Texas Centers
Transition Support services include educational activities (webinars, videos, correspondence), de-identified (as necessary) case reviews, and technical assistance, upon request from LIDDAs and providers, on specific disorders/topics that focus on the medical and behavioral health of an individual with IDD.
The Transition Support Team members include Psychiatrists, Registered Nurses, Behavior Specialists, LPCs, LMSWs, and Physicians.