Frank M. Adams Award

Emergence Health Network is proud to announce KVIA TV as the recipient of the 2024 Frank M. Adams Outstanding Media Volunteer Service Award.  The award is presented annually by the Texas Council of Community Centers to those in the community center system in recognition of their efforts and services surrounding mental health awareness.  Texas Council represents the 39 Local Mental Health and IDD Authorities in the state, such as Emergence Health Network that provide services and support for people with mental illness, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.

EHN nominated KVIA for the award this year because the KVIA leadership, anchors and reporters deserve recognition for their unwavering commitment to regularly share mental health-related stories. These efforts have helped to elevate the conversations surrounding behavioral wellness in our El Paso community. EHN applauds KVIA and its staff for going the extra mile.  Thanks to the Be Mindful Campaign El Paso residents are now gaining more knowledge to enhance their mental wellbeing and helping to shed the stigma often associated with receiving services for behavioral health concerns. 

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