Emergence Health Network is administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven persons appointed by the County of El Paso and the El Paso County Hospital District. Each entity appoints three individuals. The seventh member will be jointly nominated by the County Judge and Chair of the Hospital District Board of Managers. The term of office for board members is two years with no trustee serving more than three consecutive full two-year terms.
To view board meeting agendas, please click HERE.
Hospital Appointee
El Paso County Appointee
El Paso County Appointee
Hospital Appointee
El Paso County Appointee
Hospital Appointee
El Paso County & Hospital Appointee Trustee
Sheriff Rep. Ex-Officio
El Paso County Appointee
We are happy to answer any questions or concerns. Please call us at 915-242-0555, 915-887-3410 or 844-600-3410 (Toll Free). You can also contact us through our website.
(One San Jacinto Plaza Downtown)
If you need language translation assistance while receiving services at Emergence Health Network, please inform the EHN agent when you schedule your appointment. To schedule an appointment call (915) 242-0555.